Funeral Planning in Brighton

Planning ahead the with Independent Way Funeral Plan

Most people don’t want to think about arranging their own funeral, which is only natural. But there is some quiet satisfaction to be gained from putting your affairs in order and reflecting on the most appropriate arrangements.

A plan that’s tailored to your needs

As an independent funeral director, Bowley Funeral Services will take the time to understand your wishes and tailor a plan to suit you exactly. We will gladly meet you at our premises or in your home at a time that suits you. You can tell us about any preferences you have in mind – the type of funeral you would like to have, hymns, music or any other personal touches – and we’ll make sure your plan takes these into account.

We’re here to help

We understand that it can be hard to think about your funeral and you may not be sure where to start. As your local expert, we’re here to help. When you get in touch we’ll be happy to discuss your funeral requirements and find the plan that suits you best.

Golden Charter Funeral Plans

As everyone has different needs when it comes to funeral planning, we offer Independent Way funeral plans with flexible payment options to choose from. You can pay in one single payment or opt for monthly payments, ranging from 12 months to 30 years (dependent on your current age).

Why choose Bowley Funeral Services?

Bowley Funeral Services offer Golden Charter Funeral Plans. With over 30 years’ experience in the funeral industry, Golden Charter are one of the UK’s leading Funeral Plan providers1.

They’re owned by the people who understand your needs best – independent funeral directors. Over 700,000 people have chosen to plan ahead with Golden Charter and now you can have that peace of mind too2.

1. Based on recent market share of Funeral Plans sold. For details, please see Funeral Planning Authority statistics 2018 and Golden Charter Annual Review 2018/19. 2. As of 29/08/19, 722,434 customers have chosen to plan ahead with Golden Charter.